Relieving Stress Through Empowerment and Fitness: My Transformational Journey

By: Jacey Lambros-Carrino

As we find ourselves in National Stress Awareness Month this April, I think it's the perfect time to reflect on my own journey. Like many of you, I've wrestled with stress. When I was a professional dancer, the demands of high-stake performances, rigorous schedules, and constant physical strain defined high-stress living for me. However, life can surprise us when we least expect it, and my shift from professional dancer to business owner was one such delightful surprise. Today, as the co-founder of Jane DO, I'm grateful for the opportunity to combine my passion for fitness and empowerment to positively impact women's lives. And the best part, is that this journey has taught me how to create a life that actively counters chronic stress and has helped me continue to heal from it.

During my dancing career, I faced extreme levels of stress that not only contributed to damaging physical and emotional challenges, but also affected my self image, relationships, and overall wellbeing. Chronic stress can lead to a myriad of health problems, from insomnia and anxiety to cardiovascular disease and a weakened immune response. Stress, if unmanaged, can creep into every aspect of your life.

When I was a dancer, everything was high stakes, every movement scrutinized, every millisecond counted. Transitioning from that world into entrepreneurship illuminated this for me, and showed me that you can live a fulfilling, thriving life fueled by passion without the chronic stress.

Starting Jane DO was a direct response to these revelations. This entrepreneurial journey to create a business that emboldens, uplifts, and connects women has been a therapeutic process. Building Jane DO with other incredible women, has been my healing journey, channeling the love for my craft into a healthier, more balanced environment. I found I could live in a world of strength, empowerment, positivity, and joy rather than constant tension.

The goal wasn't just to create fitness classes - it was deeper. The goal was to sculpt an uplifting community where every woman could discover her strength and realize her potential. Jane DO studios are sanctuaries where women can escape the stressors of everyday life, knowing they'll leave feeling stronger, refreshed, and empowered.

How does stress relief happen? It occurs when you move with intention, challenge yourself under your own terms, and connect with like-minded individuals in an atmosphere of encouragement and positivity. Through diverse workouts that meld strength, cardio, and flexibility training, we offer a comprehensive approach to fitness that not only tones bodies but also eases minds.

I'm incredibly proud to offer an environment where stress relief and personal growth are not just byproducts but ingrained in our mission. I see empowered women leaving our studios daily, their glow testament to the transformative power of a positive, supportive fitness environment.

As we navigate through National Stress Awareness Month, my hope is that all of us make stress management a priority. Remember, we can't eliminate stress from our lives completely, but we can choose to cope and lead our lives differently. Together, we can create healthier relationships with stress, understanding its impact, and using it for our growth. Creating Jane DO has been my response to chronic stress, and I encourage you to find your paths to empowerment, to create the life you desire and truly deserve.


May Becomes the Month of Me: The 'Don't Quit Challenge' Isn't About Perfection it's About Perseverance.


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