How to Play.


Pick up your card in studio! Earn the following discount toward your next package. Note, discounts cannot be combined and only 1 discount can be earned.
Single line earns 10%, X earns 20%, full card earns 50%.
Only one stamp per day during the month of September.
*Board must be emailed or submitted in studio to respective studio. Discount must be applied by 10/31/22. For memberships, your discount will be applied to the following month. For annual memberships, you will receive an account credit reflecting your percentage earned.


Download your card online! Earn the following discount toward your next package*. Single line earns 10%, X earns 20%, full card earns 50%**. Only one stamp per day during the month of September. Board must be emailed to no later than 10/31/22. For monthly subscriptions - your discount will be applied to the following month. *Discounts cannot be combined and only 1 discount can be earned. **Excludes virtual private sessions and coaching.