The Cat’s Out of the Bag…and this Kitty Has a Killer Intuition

By now, everyone knows that I went onto a reality television show with my fiancé, to “test our relationship”. You can think whatever you want about that choice, and you may have your suspicions as to what went down on the show, but the fact is, I did it and you’re just going to have to watch to get the whole story (along with all the steamy details 😜)

But what I will tell you now, is the why.

Everyone from my family, to my friends, to my co-workers at Jane, asked me the same question; “WHY?!?” 

It wasn’t until I was completely done with the taping and the show was all wrapped, that I started to fully understand my why, and I don’t want to give away any of the juicy secrets of the season, but what I can tell you is that even when I suggested the show to Hall, I couldn’t really articulate my why. I just felt like it was something I needed to DO.

They say a woman’s intuition is always right, a sentiment I tend to agree with, but like many, I haven't always trusted in myself. When it comes to relationships, I have always played it pretty safe, but when that nagging feeling kept creeping around, I just couldn’t ignore it. 

So, I did what anyone would do…. Went onto reality tv! 

My why is simple. I needed a push to have some hard conversations, to dig deeper into myself, to search the scary parts of my relationship, and ask some tough questions. I knew I wouldn’t do it on my own. Maybe your version of reality tv is having a friend to talk to, or fleshing things out with a therapist. Maybe it’s coming to Jane 5x a week to build up your confidence, so that it transcends the studio walls and into your personal life…whatever your thing is, we all need a little push and a little support sometimes. And doing something that scares you is always a good thing. 

So love it or hate it, Temptation Island was my push. Was it hard? YES. Was it scary as hell? YES. Would I do it again? ABSOLUTELY. 

So buckle up Janes, get ready for a wild season!!


DO Something That Scares You: Facing Fears on Reality TV