The Thin Line Between Being Real and Really Embarrassing on Reality TV

Things are getting a little crazy on Temptation Island, so I wanted to take this opportunity to write all about balance! More specifically, how the hell to balance being authentic on reality tv (and actually playing the game), without doing and saying things you will later regret...cause what happens on Temptation Island, does NOT stay on Temptation Island.

Temptation Island was intense, and it was really easy to get caught up in the drama, the partying, the cute singles…. But at the end of the day, I had to remember that I was going home and going back to my real life, my real job, my real FIANCE!!! So here are some of the rules I followed that allowed me to be real, without being really embarrassed. 

  1. Stay true to myself: Temptation Island is intense, but it didn’t mean I had to pretend to be someone else. I tried to embrace my quirks, flaws, and unique personality and remember that the entire point of the show was to DO me!

  2. Let my guard down: Being vulnerable is what makes you connect with others on a deeper level, so that’s what I tried to do. I tried to share my authentic self with others, even when it meant exposing some insecurities. But let's also be real here..letting your guard down, doesn’t mean throwing your inhibitions out the door. I had to be thoughtful about what actions I took, what words I said, and who I spent time with.

  3. Focus on ME: Temptation Island is about personal growth and self-discovery, as much as it’s about testing your relationship. I tried to really take the opportunity to learn more about myself, build my confidence, and find out what was really going on in my relationship on a deeper level. 

  4. Believe in myself: Self-doubt can creep up during some of the more difficult phases of Temptation Island, like when you are seeing clips of your partner with another woman!!! Believing in myself and knowing that I am worthy of love and respect is what got me through the experience and made me better for it!

  5. Choose words wisely: I tried to remember that everything I said and did was being filmed and broadcasted to the world. We all know how reality tv works, but trust me, when you are in it, it is so much harder! 

  6. Set boundaries: I set boundaries to protect myself and my relationship. I went into the experience knowing my limits and sticking to them. This was honestly a lifesaver and I am proud of myself for doing that! 

At the end of the day, we all say and do things we aren’t proud of at some point in our lives. The goal is to always be striving to become a better version of yourself, despite the mistakes and missteps along the way. All in all, I am happy with how I carried myself on this journey….but keep tuning in, because NOT everyone can say the same…


The Heartbreak That Led to a Breakthrough: How I Found My Confidence on Reality TV


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