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Managing partner Kaitlin Tufts, is excited to be opening her second Jane DO studio with co-founders, Jacey Lambros and Danielle DeAngelo. Kaitlin relocated from NYC to downtown Charleston, to bring her passion for fitness and love of dance, down south, to empower even more women. She holds her BFA in Dance from Florida State University, which paved the way for her career as a professional dancer. After dancing her way around the world, she is happy to be bringing Jane DO to downtown Charleston.

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For bookings & appearances, contact PR@JANEDO.COM

Q: Hometown?

A: Boynton Beach, FL


Q: Song that gets you DO-ing?

A: Currently - Remember by Becky Hill or Without You by Avicii is still a great one LOL  


Q: Best thing you #JaneDID?

A: Convinced Dani and Jacey that we needed to Jane DO it in Charleston ;)


Q: Top of your to-DO list?

A: Make it back to Japan to dance or open another studio or two :)


Q: Guilty pleasure?

A: Anything sweet or chocolate related


Q: Who’s your best friend?

A: Although she drives me nuts sometimes ….my sister


Q: Your greatest strength?

A: Multitasking for sure. All about balance. Work hard, play hard!


Q: Where do you find your strength?

A: I truly find my strength and confidence inside the studio which has taught me over the years how to bring it in to the real world and real life situations.


Q: Hidden talent?

A: Ballroom dancing


Q: Worth it splurge?

A: Shoes for sure. Sneakers or heels always!


Q: Vacation Destination?

A: Sardinia, Italy - or south of France


Q: What is the last thing you Googled?

A: Honestly……an area code from a number that was calling, oops.